Showa Women's University


In an era where a new common sense is born.
The will to keep learning.
The power to change society.
In the context of digitalization, globalization and value diversity, social structures and lifestyles are constantly changing.
What is needed in this rapidly changing society is to constantly update new knowledge and technology to show everyone's personality and abilities.
Showa Women's University always pays attention to the changes of the times and cultivates women who support society and live fulfilling lives.
We will open up a new era for you by acquiring broad knowledge, deep expertise, and the ability to work with diverse people on a campus where different cultures coexist.


Faculty of International Studies

Department of International Liberal Arts ※Scheduled to change name from Department of English Communication in April 2025

Develop English skills that enable to play an active role in the international community
【Acquire the thinking ability to live in uncertain times. 】
Study topics such as the environment, peace, and business,then receive a comprehensive liberal arts education in specialist areas such as English-speaking societies, representative cultures, and language/education. Through learning English, you will hone your analytical, thinking, and communication skills as a global citizen, with the goal of succeeding in an international company or entering graduate school in Japan or abroad.
【Develop real English skills in small classes. 】
Help students gradually improve their English thinking skills and easily grasp students' understanding and growth through small class teaching. Through increased opportunities to communicate in English, students will learn about different positions and ways of thinking, understand others creatively, and gain the ability to form and express their own opinions.
【During the four-year enrollment period, you can study abroad for up to two years. 】
The first half of the second academic year will be spent studying abroad at the Temple University Japan Campus on our campus, and the second half of the second academic year will be spent studying in Showa Boston. From the third year onwards, through the Certified Study Abroad programme, students can study for an additional six months to one year (taught in English) at partner universities around the world.

Department of International Japanese Studies ※To be established in April 2025

Bringing Japanese culture to the world
【Learn and disseminate Japanese culture, society, and culture. 】
We have established a curriculum to deeply study Japan studies, cross-cultural understanding, tourism and regional revitalization. Learn how to convey the characteristics of Japanese culture, the background behind the birth of manga and anime, and the charms of tourist spots and regions to people from other cultures, and develop the ability to communicate about Japan.
【Long-term study abroad in Showa Boston Institute. Learn in English and experience different cultures. 】
In the first half of his second year, will go to study abroad in Boston. Learn in English according to the detailed curriculum unique to Showa Boston. In addition to participating in local volunteer activities and joint programs with local universities, we also provide many opportunities for exchange, such as teaching Japanese to local people.
【New learning and internships lead to career development. 】
The knowledge learned in the classroom will be further deepened through overseas and domestic internships. You can do long-term internships of 2 to 6 months at overseas hotels, airlines, travel agencies, Japanese branches of foreign companies, etc., or get involved in regional revitalization activities in local cities. Aim to deepen your knowledge and grow.

Department of International Studies

Armed with two languages, go to the world.
【Flexibly use high-level English + 1 language. 】
In addition to English, you can choose a language from Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Spanish, German and French. Language courses combine English and the chosen language, with 7 to 10 lessons per week and provide comprehensive training. In addition to language learning, students will gain an in-depth understanding of international relations, international cooperation, and the politics, economy, and history of various countries.
【All members are going to study abroad for a long time. Experience local society and culture. 】
Study abroad is included in the second to third year courses. If you choose Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese or Spanish, you will study abroad for two semesters in that corresponding country. If you choose German or French, you will basically study abroad in Showa Boston for 15 weeks, but you can also study abroad in two countries, such as Germany or France.
【Many students pursue two degrees each year. 】
The dual degree program allows students to earn two degrees by studying for three years at Showa Women's University and two years at overseas partner universities (the United States, China, South Korea, and Australia). Although this course is demanding, student growth is remarkable and we produce many graduates each year.
International Student Program to start in 2025.
The curriculum is the same as the current international subjects, but the foreign languages ​​studied are English and Japanese. After enrolling, student will receive intensive Japanese language courses, generous learning support and systematic vocational education, while improving professional level and developing the skills needed in a globalized society.
【Concentrated learning of English + Japanese. 】
It is assumed upon admission that students have a Japanese language proficiency of CEFRB Level 1. In the first year, students will focus on learning English in addition to seven hours of Japanese language classes per week. English and Japanese courses will also continue in the second year and beyond, with the goal of reaching CEFR C1 in both languages ​​by graduation.
(Students who choose the International Student Program can only choose Japanese in addition to English. Other languages ​​(German, French, Chinese, Korean and Spanish) cannot be selected. If they want to choose other languages, students must choose regular courses instead of the International Student Program ( Japanese language level CEFR C1 and EJU score of 270 or higher are required for admission.)
【Optional to study abroad】
Depending on students' needs, they can study abroad at our school's overseas campus Showa Boston, English-speaking overseas partner universities (the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, etc.) or overseas partner universities that offer English courses (Italy, Poland, Romania, etc.).
(Studying abroad at partner universities other than overseas partner universities in English-speaking countries or overseas partner universities that offer English courses is not allowed. (For example, China, South Korea, Vietnam, Spain, France, Germany, etc.) You are also not allowed to participate in double degree programs.)

Faculty of Global Business 

Department of Business Design

Become a female leader with strengths in English and management.
【Learn business in English. All members experience long-term overseas study. 】
During Showa Boston's 19-week study abroad program, students will study professional subjects in business and economics in English. We offer dual degree programs with Temple University Japan (TUJ) and "3+1" programs (earn a Master of Business Administration in four and a half years). You can also try international collaborative study courses with overseas universities.
【Aims to gain leadership experience and become a core human resource for management. 】
There are many opportunities to gain experience as a leader and become core management talent. Students can experience the teaching assistant (TA) system where third-year students guide first-year students in group work, as well as a marketing project in cooperation with external companies.
【Through practice, improve the communication skills for business. 】
Students are responsible for campus open days, blogs, SNS, video creation, etc. Third- and fourth-year students will serve as webmasters, managing and operating the original website, as well as handling maintenance and dissemination. You can gain practical experience in IT communications before entering the workforce.

Department of Accounting and Finance

Power that will be useful for your career and life.
【Get cutting-edge information from practicing teachers. 】
Many of our teachers are practitioners who have worked in securities companies, banks, tax accounting firms, etc. Lectures will include practical experience on how to apply knowledge learned in class to the field. Through our extensive faculty network, we also stay on top of cutting-edge business needs.
【As part of the course, a certification exam will be challenged. 】
As part of the course, you will be able to take the Nissho Bookkeeping Junior to Level 2 certification exam and the Financial Planner Level 3 to Level 2 certification exam. You can objectively understand which skills you have mastered, to what extent you have achieved them, and the results of your learning based on the test results.
【Extact real business. 】
In the third and fourth year seminars we work with companies on project activities. You can experience real business by expanding sales channels and developing new products. Through interactions with company personnel, you will acquire basic skills for professionals.

Faculty of Humanities

Department of Japanese Language and Literature

Weaving “words” changes the world
【Hone your language skills and develop the ability to view yourself objectively】
Words change with the times. In the language course, you will learn "Japanese linguistics" that analyzes the structure and evolution of language, "Japanese language education" that teaches Japanese to non-native speakers, and "modern literature" from the Meiji era to the present, cultivating insight, interpretation world capabilities.
【Expand your horizons and improve your problem-solving abilities】
You will deepen your professional knowledge and broaden your horizons by studying history, thought, folklore and other ancient Japanese culture, media and subculture, and cross-cultural communication that deepen your global perspective. In addition, through project activity subjects, students will improve their ability to solve problems needed by society.
【Use IT skills to play an active role in a multicultural society】
Students will acquire information technology skills required in modern society, such as using big data for language and literature research. In addition, students will interact with multiple cultures through study abroad programs (study abroad), exchanges with international students on campus, and collaboration with the Japanese Department of Temple University Japan Campus.
Gain the ability to view Japanese language and culture relatively from multiple perspectives.

Department of History and Culture

Think with your hands, see with your feet
【Learning history with learning different cultures. 】
In addition to in-depth study of Japanese history, Western history, and Eastern history, we also look at culture from the aspects of art, folklore, cultural heritage, archeology, geography, etc. The emphasis is on learning from the field. Students will write their graduation thesis based on handed down documents and information obtained from field trips.
【Visit Japan and the world and learn through experience. 】
Through various student projects in collaboration with domestic companies and organizations, students gain practical experience in giving back to society through understanding history and culture. We also have unique short-term study abroad programs in Europe and Boston, USA, and our learning opportunities are expanding overseas.
【Use your qualifications to play an active role in society. 】
A major feature of the Department of History and Culture is that you can obtain three qualifications (director, librarian, archivist) related to MLA (museum, library, archives) at the same time. Cultivate the ability to play an active role in society by obtaining qualifications such as junior high school teacher, librarian, and archaeological surveyor (level 2).

Faculty of Human Sociology

Department of Psychology

Bringing the science of the mind closer to society
【Covering four major fields: cognition, development, clinical, and society】
"Cognitive" learns how we see things and the mechanism of thinking, "Development" learns about psychological changes throughout life, "Clinical" learns about and supports mental worries, "Social" learns about interpersonal relationships and group psychology, and obtains a balance of these four Basic knowledge in the field and develop the mind’s eye to understand others and oneself.
【Activity throughout society】
Counselors are not the only place where psychology can be used. For example, understanding consumer behavior and psychology will help improve product planning, development and service. Through career preparation programs designed to help students succeed in society, students will be able to connect what they learn in school to their careers after graduation.
【Compatible with Certified Psychologist Training Courses】
Practical training will occur at off-campus facilities in all five areas in which certified psychologists work (health and healthcare, welfare, education, justice/crime, and industry/labor). Through a balanced curriculum that includes designated subjects required for the Certified Psychologist examination starting in the first year, students are able to deepen their studies while carefully choosing whether to seek employment or continue to graduate school.

Department of Welfare Sociology

Creating a society where everyone can live comfortably.
【Three national qualifications, active in multiple fields】
Qualifications for examinations for social workers, mental health social workers, and child care workers are available. Our department's success rate for recent graduates is higher than the national average because all students begin school with the goal of becoming a social worker or mental health social worker. In 2023, the passing rate for registered social workers and registered mental health social workers among fresh graduates of our school will be 100%.
【Field work begins in the first year. 】
Starting from the first year, program studies called "Social Work Program I and II" are compulsory. By participating in volunteer activities such as employment support facilities for people with disabilities and children's cafeterias, you can learn and observe various things in the actual field.
【Cultivation of the ability to discover problems in social structure and social systems. 】
Welfare is not only about helping people in need, but also about creating a better society. Students acquire a broad range of knowledge by studying general education subjects and professional subjects. Fieldwork develops the ability to identify problems in social structures and social systems.

Department of Elementary Education

Designing the future of children.
【Make progress with friends and obtain licenses and qualifications. 】
You can obtain a first-level primary school teacher qualification certificate and a first-level kindergarten teacher qualification certificate, or a first-level kindergarten teacher qualification certificate and a childcare worker qualification. Many motivated students aspire to become teachers or childcare providers. In this environment, students can improve each other and get closer to their dreams.
【Experience education from around the world by studying abroad. 】
Not only can you learn about Japanese education, but you can also learn about overseas education. The Showa Boston Short-Term Study Abroad Program provides training in local schools and kindergartens. Expand your horizons as an educator and child care worker through exposure to a world of diverse races and religions. Students will gain the ability to work with children of different nationalities in educational and childcare settings.
【You can get career support to help realize your dreams. 】
You will be guided by teachers with extensive experience in the field of education, including principals and garden principals, based not only on concepts but also on practical experience. The department also has teaching, childcare and early childhood education guidance rooms. We also provide practical advice on employment exams and interview support.

Department of Modern Liberal Arts

Science x technique = creation
【"Study" = learning and questioning. 】
The starting point of learning is to question common sense and identify problems. To this end, students study social issues in the three fields of social planning (region and society), media creation (information and media) and multicultural co-creation (world and culture) and determine their own themes.
【"Skills" = hone your skills. 】
Students will develop skills such as social research, data analysis, Japanese expression, and visual expression to explore their own topics and pose social issues. Through multiple presentations in class, students will develop the ability to express their ideas in an understandable way.
【"Creation"=create and grow together. 】
Apply your knowledge and skills to project activities and group work. Even if one person can't solve the problem, they seek answers while sharing their ideas with project members. Through the process of cooperation, you will discover your own areas of expertise and the path you should take.

Faculty of Environmental Design

Department of Environmental Design

Giving form to rich sensibilities and free imagination.
【Receive stimulation from four aspects. 】
Students can enroll in one of four courses: Architecture/Interiors, Product, Fashion or Production to hone their expertise and take additional courses. Students will gain applied design skills through interactions with each faculty member and student, as well as knowledge and techniques learned in other courses.
【Train your design skills. 】
What can design do for a rapidly changing and diverse society? You'll gain the ability to understand the history and context of things and design with a clear user image. Students will also develop the communication and presentation skills needed to develop design proposals.
【Satisfactory manufacturing environment. 】
In addition to four courses with fully equipped training rooms, practice rooms and laboratories, we also support student manufacturing through the "Future Lab SHOWA" equipped with a variety of digital manufacturing equipment. There are also libraries specific to the design area of ​​each course.

Faculty of Food and Health Science

Department of Food Safety Management

To become talents who can powerfully support the food industry.
【Understand the overall overview and characteristics of the food industry. 】
Understand the process of food from producer to consumer, including manufacturing, distribution and sales, as well as the interrelationships between industries. By understanding the overall situation and characteristics of the food industry, you will gain the ability to think about business from a food safety perspective.
【Understanding food safety through science. 】
How much of a substance affects the body? How much pesticides and fertilizers can be used? Food safety is based on science. Students will gain the ability to correctly read risk management-related numbers from science and obtain accurate information.
【Thinking about the present and future of food. 】
There are various problems in the food world, such as global protein shortages and food waste. In addition to the background to these issues, you will learn about future global trends while also touching on the current status of alternative food development through biotechnology and food technology.

Department of Health Design *Not eligible for JPUE

Thinking about health from food, beauty, and exercise.
【Learn the theories and methods of maintaining and improving health. 】
Students will acquire a broad range of knowledge, including the functions of nutrients necessary to sustain life, the delicious taste of food, the mechanisms of the body, the importance of skin, the functions of cosmetics, and the body's reactions and changes associated with exercise. Based on a scientific understanding of the relationship between health, food, beauty and exercise, students will develop theoretical and practical skills to maintain and promote health.
【Various qualifications to support professional knowledge. 】
Nutritionists are food professionals whose responsibilities include providing health services, exploring delicious food, and solving social problems through food. Healthy exercise coaches provide practical guidance on safe and effective exercise programs based on your physical and mental condition. Earn a home economics or health and physical education teaching license and you can grow into a broad-minded educator.
【You can take an active role in a variety of career paths. 】
Careers after graduation are diverse. You can demonstrate your expertise and take an active role in food companies and government agencies. You can use your learning skills to take on new challenges, such as those in IT. In graduate school, you gain more advanced knowledge and skills and take on the challenge of presenting at academic conferences and writing papers.

Department of Management and Nutrition *Not eligible for JPUE

Become a talent that increases the value of registered dietitians.
【Develop practical skills through repeated internships. 】
Registered dietitians can be active in a variety of fields, but through practical training and interaction with people, you will acquire communication skills that can be used in any field. Field training is basically one week in a public health center and three weeks in a hospital. It can be extended according to the student's wishes.
【Build expertise that enables you, too, to become a researcher. 】
In the medical world, publishing papers at academic conferences is commonplace. As well as gaining your qualification, through the writing skills you improve while at school you will develop the ability to go beyond your day job and contribute to industry. To grow into a person with a researcher side, you need to conduct graduate research.
【Improve your aspirations by studying abroad. 】
The occasions when registered dietitians are needed are not limited to Japan, such as Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, overseas government meetings, etc. Applicants wishing to study abroad in Boston can visit local hospitals and other facilities. Students' ambitions will increase by understanding what's going on at the forefront of where registered dietitians are firmly entrenched in the United States.

Campus address

1-7-57 Taishido, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-8533, Japan

